연락두절된 아들을 찾습니다.

nazir12th | 2023-03-27 | 추천 3 | 조회 2447

안녕하세요? 저는 김재원 엄마 예요. 혹시 재원이 아시나요? 재원이가 일주일째 연락이 안되서 실례 무릅쓰고 글 올립니다.
03년 12월 29일 생 김재원
The University of melbourne (멜버른 대학) Bachelor of Science 전공
Receiver name: Jaewon Kim
Receiver contact No.: +61420231229
기숙사에서 나가 이사한다고 연락 준 후 연락이 안되고 있습니다.
2023년 3월 18일 오후 4시 31분 이후 연락두절
인스타그램 로긴 하고 있음
인스타그램, 텔레그램, 디스코드, 카카오톡, 전화, 모두 받지 않아요.
혹시 재원이를 보게 된다면 집에 연락하라고 전해 주시면 매우 고맙겠습니다.
I am Jae Won Kim’s mother.
I am contacting you as my son has not been in contact with our family for the past week.
This has never happened before and we are worried as we are in Korea and therefore cannot search for him as easily.
Some personal information information about him.
Name: Jaewon Kim
D.O.B : 29/12/2003
Mobile no.: +61420231229
Education: The university of Melbourne (Bachelor of science)
We have lost contact with him since he told us that he was moving out of his dormitory
We have last heard from him on 18/03/23 at 4:31pm.
He is not reading nor replying back to calls/messages on instagram, telegram, discord, kakaotalk nor regular phone call and messages.
We would truly appreciate it if you could tell him to contact his family asap if you happen see him by any chance.
Thank you for your help
Jaewon Kim

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