Looking for my auntie!! 남시애 고모를 찾습니다. 경북 영덕 출신

EN311 | 2024-09-18 | 추천 0 | 조회 414

Hello! Long story short, I am your nephew! 당신의 조카입니다. My name is Eugene Nam 남유진 and I live in San Francisco, California now. My dad's name is 남시훈 Shihoon Nam and my grandad's name was 남정휴 Junghyu Nam. I am 26 now, and I become a teacher in the bay area. Like my mom and dad used to be... time flies, yeah?
I remember we talked over a phone when I was like 7. I would really love to talk to you again! I do not remember where you live, but I remember that your daughter - my cousin's name was Hazel헤이즐. I believe we packed some stuff and sent it over as a gift. How's she doing? She doing fine?
Unfortunately your father has passed away last year. Sorry for your loss. I feel like it's my duty to tell you about this. My pops dunno how to use internet very well, and I don't think any of your other siblings are mindful enough to tell you this news.
But hey, send me an email if you want to talk. If you forgot how to speak Korean that's totally fine. I am fluent bilingual and honestly English works better for me at this point. I got skype, discord, whatsapp, and kakaotalk if you wanna call.
This is my Email : eugenenam53@gmail.com / eugenenamw@gmail.com (This is my work email, I check both very frequently!)

남시애 고모를 아시는 분이 있다면 이멜 주세요. 뵙고 싶습니다. :)

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