[UNESCO] The culture of Gimjang | Keeping the tradition alive

청년시대 | 2022-03-23 | 추천 0 | 조회 181

[UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage]
The culture of Gimjang
Inscribed in 2013 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Kimchi is the Korean name for preserved vegetables seasoned with spices and fermented seafood. It forms an essential part of Korean meals, transcending class and regional differences. The collective practice of Kimjang reaffirms Korean identity and is an excellent opportunity for strengthening family cooperation. Kimjang is also an important reminder for many Koreans that human communities need to live in harmony with nature.

In spring, households procure shrimp, anchovy and other seafood for salting and fermenting.
In summer, they buy sea salt for the brine and red chilli peppers are dried and ground into powder.
Late autumn is Kimjang season when communities collectively make and share large quantities of kimchi to ensure that every household has enough to sustain it through the long, harsh winter.

#Gimjang #kimchi #Korea #food

Link : https://youtu.be/Wt2e1B92SvA

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