• Schofields *Schofields* Off the plan home and land package
  • 하우스 4 2 2
  • 812000 /
  • Schofields Home and Land Package (Off the plan)

    49 Schofields Farm Road, Schofields 2762 (Expected land registration Aug 2016)

    위치: Schofields 기차역, 초등학교, 쇼핑센터 인접

    총 300체 중에
    Stage 1 40체 분양완료
    Stage 2 40체 중 20체 분양완료

    관심 있으신 분들은:
    $5000 holding deposit
    2주 후에 10% 계약금

    Single Story; 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms double garage
    - House area / price: 226m² / $350,000
    - Land area / price: 330m² - 384m² / $462,000 - $537,000
    - Price range: $812,000 - $887,000

    Double story; 4 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms double garage
    - House area / price: 230m² / $382,500 - $386,500
    - Land area / price: 401m² - 414m² / $560,000 - $580,000
    - Price range: $946,500 - $962,500


  • 이름: Cher
    연락처: 452434480
    이메일 : igi.cherlee@gmail.com
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