• Sydney Commercial Laundry 비즈니스 매매 (고정고객 위주의 안정적인 비즈니스)
  • 상가 1 0 0
  • 260000 /
  • 매물 설명 :
    Retail commercial laundry providing commercial linen service (rental, laundry, press service) to business customers and dry cleaning service (agent), laundry service (bag wash, doona) for retail customers - Customers include restaurants, cafes and massage shops etc. - Equipment includes 30 kg. commercial washing machine, 2 x 17 kg. commercial washing machines, 6 domestic washing machine, 3 commercial dryers and 2 press machines.

    Could do more marketing and extend the current trading hours - Huge potential for experienced new owner - Expand customer base through marketing - Can do more retail laundry.

    Rare opportunity to buy well established commercial laundry - Loyal customers - Stable and successful business - Good location

    Well displayed shop with an area of 82 sq. mts.

    1 owner + 3 casuals

    Equipment has been regularly renewed and major items are less than 4 years old


  • 이름: SBX business services 제이슨
    연락처: 426260962
    이메일 : jason.noh@sbx.com.au
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