• Carlingford 칼링포드 Liquor shop 판매
  • 상가 1 00 0
  • 250000 /
  • 매물 설명 : 주류(담배)판매점/ 칼링포드 쇼핑빌리지 위치
    Retail liquor store selling a full range of beers, wines and spirits. - Also sells groceries, soft drinks and cigarettes. - Liquor sales average 60%, groceries 20% and cigarettes 20% with total average 35% gross profit.

    매물 정보:
    Well established for many years. - Regular customers. - No competition. - Low rent with long lease. - Easy to run. - Stable income.

    Well presented shop with an area of approx 100 m2. inclusive of storage area.

    Sale Reason


    This is good business with solid income. - Ideal family business.\

    문의 : Sydeny Business sevices 비즈니스 브로커 제이슨 노


  • 이름: SBX business services 제이슨
    연락처: 426260962
    이메일 : jason.noh@sbx.com.au
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