• Normanhurst 스시 레스토랑 ( 낮은 렌트/ 에핑,혼스비 인근 기차역 앞 좋은 위치/ 2층에 2베드 거주 가능)
  • 상가 1 0 0
  • 80000 /
  • 매물 설명:
    스시/일식당, 기차역 앞, 30석, 2층에 거주가능한 2베드룸+1bath, 주변에 학교들부터 catering 요청이 많습니다. 낮은 렌트비 (주 750+gst), 새로운 설비와 주방기구들
    새로운 비즈니스 시작하시려는 오너 쉐프들/ 커플 오너 운영시 따로 집 렌트가 필요없는 매물

    Could put outdoor seats at rear courtyard- Can start catering to surrounding schools - Ideal for family business - An enthusiastic owner operator or couple could increase sales and profit.- Continue to grow this already popular business

    매물 장점
    No competition - Long lease and good rent - Easy to run. - All new equipment and fit-out - Well established. - Easy to run. - Residence attached.

    This business has an area of 80 sq. mts. with 2 levels consisting of downstairs shop, kitchen, toilet and upstairs 2 bedroom residence.

    Trading Hours
    6 days - Mon. - Sat. - 11:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

    The shop is easy to run and well organised. - Most of the equipment is new and under warranty - Please be discreet when visiting this business.


  • 이름: SBX business services 제이슨
    연락처: 426260962
    이메일 : jason.noh@sbx.com.au
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