• Sydney city Leased!!! ◆윈야드 ◆Thai Takeaway◆Full Kitchen◆Busy Location◆스시, cafe 가능
  • 상가 1 1 0
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  • LEASED!!!

    - 윈야드역에서 Kings Wharf로 가는 중간지점에 위치한 태국 takeaway입니다.

    - 나이가 있으신 건물주가 직접 운영하는 가게임.

    - 과거 여성 슈즈 가게를 건물주(현 주인)가 6개월전 직접 태국 takeaway로 conversion하여
    운영중이나 경험부족으로 운영에 어려움 있음.

    - 2층구조, 면적 88m^2으로 ground floor와 basement있음

    - Full Kitchen fitted (coolroom, ventilation, grease trap)

    - 태국 takeaway이기는 하나 스시,중식, cafe등으로 쉽게 conversion 가능.

    - Has rear lane access for easy loading and unloading

    - New Lease Available 3+3+3 or 5+5

    - Rent: $1,800/week (annual increase only 2%)
    Lockdown 기간중 $1,000/week

    - Outgoing: Water rate only fixed at $100/month

    Other than water, no other outgoings payable

    Enquiries to Exclusive Agent

    Alex Young Kim
    Principal / Licensee-in-Charge
    Licensed Real Estate & Business Agent

    Suite 20
    301 Castlereagh Street
    Sydney, NSW 2000

    M: 61 414 088 089
    T: 61 2 8007 4989

    Disclaimer: Whilst reasonable care and searches were conducted in preparation of information, I do not guarantee or warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information and I will not be liable for any loss, damage or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying on the information provided. Buyers should seek advice from their own Advisors.


  • 이름: iDEAL Realty Advisors
    연락처: 414088089
    이메일 : optionsguru@naver.com
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