• Campbelltown 금주의 신규 스시 비즈니스 매물 소개
  • 상가 1 0 0
  • 89000 /
  • ?
    스시 신규 매물1 ($89.000)

    스시Takeaway - Food court seats.

    Compact kiosk style sushi takeaway - Very Easy to operate - Beautiful fit out. - Sales stable for any season.

    .This business has an area of 25 sq.mts.

    .Situated in busy foodcourt of South West shopping centre.

    . Agent Comments

    Summer sales are $9,000 p.w. - Winter sales were $8,000 p.w. - Well trained staff can stay with new owner - Owner will provide full training with recipes.

    스시 매물2 ($689,000)

    Takeaway sushi train - - 50 seats.

    .Best location in centre - Profitable business - Sales have not decreased during Covid - Easy to operate. - Brilliant fitout.

    - Situated near major supermarket in a busy shopping centre in the South West.

    . Comments

    Sales include average $5,000 Uber delivery sales p.w..- Full sales records available on meeting - currently under full management (owner not working at shop)

    문의 : SBX 비즈니스 매매 제이슨?


  • 이름: 시드니 business consultancy 제이슨
    연락처: 426260962
    이메일 : jason.noh@sbx.com.au
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