• Castle hill 신규 세차장 매물 소개_Artarmon/ 카슬힐 지역
  • 상가 1 0 0
  • 250000 /
  • General Description
    Automotive - hand car wash and detailing business surrounded by many large businesses. - Fully equipped with the latest upgrade. - 13 car wash bays

    Attract more local customers - Pursue local car dealers and other businesses - Do more marketing - currently no website or social media.

    Easy to operate with low overheads. - Strong return customers. - Fully fitted car wash.

    This car wash has an area of 200 sq. mts. with 13 car wash bays plus an office.

    Sale Reason
    Other business interests

    아타몬/ 카슬힐 2 지역 매물 보유

    문의 : SBX business brokers 제이슨


  • 이름: 시드니 business consultancy 제이슨
    연락처: 426260962
    이메일 : jason.noh@sbx.com.au
  • 0
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