• Homebush ◈홈부쉬◈1베드 $480,000 부터◈파격 추가할인까지◈
  • 아파트 1 1 0
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    아주 파격적인 가격과 더불어 추가 할인 혜택까지..
    긴 광고 필요 없는 매물

    1베드 $482,000
    2베드 $683,000

    빨리 문의 주세요

    Matthew 0405 315 126


    문의 및 상담

    L.R.E.A. 20230824

    Matthew 0405 315 126

    Disclaimer: All care has been taken to ensure that the information provided is as correct and accurate as possible. However, no guarantee or legal liability is taken for any loss, damage, or expense incurred as a result of the information provided. Buyers are encouraged to take all care and seek further advice



  • 이름: 부동산
    연락처: 405315126
    이메일 : matthew1208@naver.com
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