- Woolworths 슈퍼마켓내에 운영중인 Sushi Izu입니다.
- Woolworths와 Partnership으로 운영중이며 특이사항은
1) 렌트비 제로
2) Maintenenance 비용 제로
3) Refurbishment 조항없음
본사에서 10일간의 intensive training 제공하며
아주 수월하게 나도 스시가게 오너가 될수 있는 절호의 기회.
- 이 가게의 경우 현 오너가 지난 5년간 성공적으로 운영중
- 아주 바쁜 가게로 Northern Beach지역 울워쓰 매장내 있음.
- 매출 높은 Sushi Izu 매장중 하나.
- 모든 대금, sales 결제가 Woolworths 카운터를 통하다보니, 자료가 투명함.
Financial Guideline:(estimate)
- Sales: $20,000/week (plus GST)
- Rent: $ 0 /week
- 물세, 전기비, 쓰레기처리비용등 outgoing 일체없음
- Owner's Intake: $6,000~6,500/week (2 owner wage 포함)
Alex Young Kim
Principal (Licensee-In-Charge)
Licensed Real Estate and Business Agent | iDEAL Realty Advisors
Suite 02,Level 7, 9 Delhi Road, North Ryde, NSW 2000 Australia
T: +61 414 088 089 | E:
Disclaimer: All information contained herein has been furnished to us by vendor and third party suppliers. We have not verified this information but have no reason to doubt its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. Suggested financial guideline may have been impacted by the COVID due to volatile trading conditions. Uploaded photos may not be actual and illustration only. All interested parties should make and rely upon their own inquiries to determine whether or not this information is in fact, accurate.