• Townsville & district SOLD!!! 타운스빌, QLD◆ 일식/한식당◆ Full Kitchen ◆ Anchor Tenants
  • 기타 1 1 1
  • 180000 /

    * 타운스빌 부촌 주거지에 위치한 한식 & 일식당이 매물로 나왔습니다.

    * 가게 위치가 anchor tenants (Subway, Pizza Hut, Nandos,Meat Market, Harvest등)가 입점해 있는 동네
    market place에 있으며 쇼핑객 & diner들이 자주 애용하는 장소임


    * Hot Spot - Well established in Townsville's newly developed area
    * Situated among major anchor tenants within its centre precinct
    * The shop underwent major refurbishment 2 years ago
    * Japanese cuisine with Korean flavored menu served


    * 여름, 겨울 매출 크게 기복이 없으며 항상 꾸준함.
    * 매출의 90% 정도가 크레딧카드 매출임


    * 남은 리스기간: 3년 + 4년= 총 7년
    * 총 68좌석이며 약 20석 추가 배치 가능


    * 주방 직원 2명 + 오너 주방 1명 + 오너 Front 1명 + 캐쥬얼 Front 1명

    영업일 & 시간

    * 주 6일 (화요일 off), lunch and dinner

    Financial Guideline

    매출 $19,000/주
    렌트 $1,505/주 (inc. GST)
    Outgoings $529/주
    운영수익 $6,000/주 (2 오너 웨이지 포함)

    Alex Young Kim

    Principal (Licensee-In-Charge)
    Licensed Real Estate and Business Agent | iDEAL Realty Advisors
    Suite 02, Level 7, /9 Delhi Road North Ryde, NSW 2000 Australia

    T: +61 414 088 089 | E: alex.idealrealty@gmail.com

    Disclaimer: All information contained herein has been furnished to us by vendor and third party suppliers. We have not verified this information but have no reason to doubt its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. Suggested financial guideline may have been impacted by the COVID impacted due to volatile trading conditions. Uploaded photos may not be actual and illustration only. All interested parties should make and rely upon their own inquiries to determine whether or not this information is in fact, accurate.

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  • 이름: iDEAL Realty Advisors
    연락처: 414088089
    이메일 : optionsguru@naver.com
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