• Fountain Tech Pty Ltd
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  • 간략소개 호주 에듀테크 스타트업
  • 업소종류 컴퓨터/전자 > 인터넷사업(e-biz)
  • 주소 5 Hiles st. Alexandria NSW 2015 Alexandria
  • 전화번호 0280073889
  • 팩스번호
  • 이메일 hi@edwy.com
  • 홈페이지 edwy.com


  • 호주 에듀테크 스타트업으로 EDWY 웹사이트, 모바일 앱을 주요 상품으로 플랫폼 비니지스를 운영하고 있습니다.


    EDWY is an unique, dynamic and easy-to-use platform. It personalises the means of connecting students and parents to agencies and universities. More than any other platform, EDWY optimises course searching and facilitates the linkage of matching students and agencies in Australia.

    EDWY uses its unique matching system to find courses, institutes, and agencies that suit student’s specific needs. Not only helps students find the right course, it also provides support to the ones seeking accommodation and work experience.
  • ABN: 603 351 159
  • 설립일: 20141212


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