• Staff 모집
  • 0-0/주급
  • 등록직종 음식/식품/제과.제빵 > 요리,조리사.주방장
  • 근무지역 cnr Hunter and Bligh Street, Sydney (Sydney)
  • 모집부문 Kitchen & hall
  • 담당업무 Kitchen & hall
  • 근무형태 풀타임
  • 경력구분 무관
  • 모집인원 제한없음
  • 연령제한 0 - 0 세
  • 학력구분 무관
  • 성별구분 무관
  • 비자조건 기타


  • Japanese restaurant in the city is kooking for full and part time staff.
    Postions are available for experenced Japanese food chef, assistant chef,
    dish washing, kitchen hand, waitress and roll maker.
    The candiates should be self motivated, energetic with good team work skills.
    Join this exciting team and be rewarded.
    Please apply for interview.


    servexcel Pty Ltd

  • 담당자: Stephen
    연락처: 0410648328
    이메일 : wexcel@gmail.com
  • 0
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