• 1 day NSW Real Estate Certificate of Registration Course (+ self-study) for $495
  • 0-150000/연봉
  • 등록직종 부동산/보안/경비 > 부동산 중개인
  • 근무지역 Sydney City (Sydney city)
  • 모집부문 5
  • 담당업무 real estate
  • 근무형태 파트타임
  • 경력구분 무관
  • 모집인원 제한없음
  • 연령제한 20 - 60 세
  • 학력구분 무관
  • 성별구분 무관
  • 비자조건 영주권


  • 1 day NSW Real Estate Certificate of Registration Course (+ self-study) for $495

    Only limited seats available in the upcoming course on 1st December in our Sydney CBD office. Register now. If you see this advertisement, there are seats available. Please send us your full name, email address and phone number. We will then forward you the course and enrolment detail.

    Fast & Simple,

    *Finish the course quickly and simply. You only need to spend 1 day + self-study. Most of the work is done within class time. Class is held in our Sydney CBD office.

    More support,

    *Chat app support even outside of working hours, together with email and phone support.

    Ultimate flexibility,

    *You do the course as quickly as you want, or as slow as you want.

    Pass guarantee,

    *If you have trouble, we help.

    Professional service,

    *Organised by LongRunRealty, an industry leading real estate firm,

    *Presented by industry top trainer from ‘My Real Estate Training’ (RTO#41529),

    *Industry top real estate agent to share their practical experience,

    *2 weeks training (4 classes) to get you ready to work. This is a voluntary course afterwards, free of charge.

    * Job placement opportunity with base + commission structure for outstanding candidates,

    Low cost,

    *$495 (original price $595) for 1 day face to face course + self-study,

    *$395 (original price $495) for full online learning,

    Take this opportunity to sign up before NSW Certificate course is getting harder this year (more course units and harder tests).

    Call now. 02 9188 2105. Or email. info@longrunrealty.com.au

    More information on www.longrunrealty.com.au/courses


    Long Run Realty

  • 담당자: Longrun Realty
    연락처: 425968889
    이메일 : jimmy.kim@longrunrealty.com.au
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