• Skin care Beautician Needed in Chatswood
  • 35-50/시급
  • 등록직종 미용/뷰티관련직 > 뷰티케어,피부관리
  • 근무지역 368 Victoria Ave Chatswood (Chatswood)
  • 모집부문 skin Care Beautician
  • 담당업무 skincare
  • 근무형태 파트타임
  • 경력구분 1년~2년
  • 모집인원 2 명
  • 연령제한 20 - 0 세
  • 학력구분 무관
  • 성별구분 여성
  • 비자조건 기타


  • Chatswood cosmetic clinic near train station

    Modern and comfatble working environment, friendly boss. Beauticians are mainly Chinese and Korean.

    Two part time beautician needed, minimum two years experience.

    Salary from $35 per hour + commission.

    To apply please text to 0432498255


    Moori Beauty

  • 담당자: Lily
    연락처: 432498255
    이메일 : puppyguai@hotmail.com
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