• Feed Truck Driver 구인모집합니다.
  • 33-33/시급
  • 등록직종 기타 > 기타
  • 근무지역 Glen Innes 2307 (Glenfield)
  • 모집부문 Feed Truck Driver
  • 담당업무 work
  • 근무형태 케쥬얼
  • 경력구분 무관
  • 모집인원 5 명
  • 연령제한 20 - 45 세
  • 학력구분 무관
  • 성별구분 남성
  • 비자조건 기타


  • 안녕하세요.
    FIP Group에서 Glen Innes 2307에 위치한 농장에서 Feed Truck Driver 구인모집합니다.


    Feed Truck Driver
    - Candidates need to drive feed trucks
    - Trucks are automatic and easy to drive
    - General In Shed and ground Maintenance
    - Driving Licence required but a car licence is sufficient
    - Q Fever is not Mandated

    - Hours: between 6.30am and 4.30pm and the average is 47 hours per week
    - Accommodation: available for 2 males on site, in a few weeks further rooms available, at a cost of around $125 per week, which includes outgoings and yard maintenance
    - Location: Glen Innes 2307 NSW
    - Payrate: $26.50 + 25% loading (=$33.13 per hour), no OT/penalty rates

    ** 세컨 및 써드비자 가능 합니다.

    *e-mail : lpark@fipgroup.com.au
    *온라인 지원 : https://forms.gle/v7Vz8XYZ1T1DkLb1A
    *연락처 : 0497 261 361
    *카카오톡 ID 및 Line ID : LilyPark1


    meat processors group

  • 담당자: Lily Park
    연락처: 436813964
    이메일 : lpark@meatprocessors.com.au
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