안녕하세요 Phone Pirates입니다.
이번에 사업 확장으로 인하여 모바일 테크니션과 스토어를 관리할 매니저를 뽑습니다.
스케줄을 신청하시면 최대한 맞춰 드립니다.
경력자 우대해 드립니다.
경험이 없어도 열정적으로 배우고 싶으신 분들께 트레이닝을 시켜드립니다.
이력서 admin@ikfacility.com.au 로 부탁드립니다.
- Provide a high level of customer service.
- Provide customers with information and support in choosing the product best
suited to their needs.
- Promote sales.
- Creative visual merchandising and managing inventory.
- Rostering and supporting your staff to ensure a happy and productive team.
- Help develop strategies that will ensure the ongoing success of the store
Mobile Technician
- At least 1 year experience in Mobile phones, Mobile accessories or similar.
- We would expect candidates to be able to service a wide range of devices from Iphone, Samsung, Oppo, Huawei and similar for technician positions.
- A genuine passion for mobile and tech! Reliable and dedicated on the job.
- Flexibility to work on at least one day on a weekend if required.
- An ability to learn new things and enjoy variety in a role.
- Great attention to detail.
- The ability to work well in a team and fast paced environment.
- Looking for technicians that pride in their work and are very reliable.