• [2023 KOTRA 호주취업박람회] Alifedesign 사, Interior Designer / Interior Architect
  • 0-0/연봉
  • 등록직종 기타 > 기타
  • 근무지역 570 George street (Sydney)
  • 모집부문 Interior Designer / Interior Architect
  • 담당업무 Interior Designer / Interior Architect
  • 근무형태 풀타임
  • 경력구분 5년~6년
  • 모집인원 1 명
  • 연령제한 20 - 40 세
  • 학력구분 무관
  • 성별구분 무관
  • 비자조건 기타


  • 여러분의 성공적인 취업을 위한 "2023 호주 취업박람회"가 8월 17일 Wesley Conference Centre에서 개최됩니다.

    아래 직무사항을 참고하시고, 지원을 희망하신다면 [ www.2023kotrajobfair.com ] 에서 지금 바로 신청하세요!

    업체명 : Alifedesign
    포지션명 : Interior Designer / Interior Architect 직
    인원 : 1
    위치 : St Nenarlds, NSW 2065

    About company:
    - Making high quality, low costs joineries overseas.

    - An Australian company with factories in South Korea and China, specialising in interior constructions and joineries.

    - With trusted local partners in architecture, accounting, and law firm, we ensure seamless collaboration

    - Quick quotations within 5 business days and local management of contracts and transactions are our priorities.

    Interior Designer / Interior Architect
    St Nenarlds, NSW 2065
    Full time

    About company:
    - Making high quality, low costs joineries overseas.
    - An Australian company with factories in South Korea and China, specialising in interior constructions and joineries.
    - With trusted local partners in architecture, accounting, and law firm, we ensure seamless collaboration
    - Quick quotations within 5 business days and local management of contracts and transactions are our priorities.

    About the role:
    Interior Designer, Interior Architect to assist our projects in Australia with our South Korea, China factories and design team:
    1. On site Measurement
    2. Measurement and drawing transitions between Australia and Overseas
    3. Drawing alterations
    4. Project/Parts Costs estimations
    5. Collaborations with Local Interior Design firms
    6. Sales ? not essential but preferred

    Qualifications, skills and experiences:
    - 경력 5년 이상
    - Working visa 제공 (영주권 추후협의)
    - 입사 이후, 년 1회 한국 왕복 항공권 제공

    Application requirements:
    - Resume (English)
    - Cover Letter (English)
    - Portfolio


    Korea Trade Centre

  • 담당자: K-Move
    연락처: 401492752
    이메일 : k-move@kotra.org.au
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