• 만 28, 엔지니어 및 기술영업 경력
  • 협의
  • Rating(0)
  • 근무지 Perth
  • 직종구분 무역, 영업, 기술엔지니어
  • 근무가능일 2015년 4월
  • 희망급여 협의
  • 비자상태 워킹홀리데이


  • 한국산업기술대학교(컴퓨터공학과)


  • 2008.07 ~ 2011.04
  • 서울반도체
  • 설비 엔지니어
  • 2013.03 ~ 2014.11
  • 키엔스코리아
  • 기술영업


  • 2007.01
  • 운전면허증
  • 경찰청


  • 영어

컴퓨터 및 특기사항

  • OA 능력
  • 워드(한글,MS워드) - 중
  • 스프레드시트(엑셀) - 중
  • 프리젠테이션(파워포인트) - 중
  • 인터넷(정보검색) - 중
  • 컴퓨터 능력
  • 컴퓨터/이미지툴


  • I am writing this cover letter along with the required documents in order to apply for the position. I had been an engineer in my previous job, which was related to machine engineering, for almost 3 years. Then at this point time, I am a Technical salesman in my company for almost two years. I have tried to take full advantage of learning about engineering, Sales and anything else related to my job. In doing so, I believe that the skills and knowledge that I have attained during my skills will be positively reflected within your company. Since I know how to handle machines and sales products well without spending a lot of time on adjusting, I believe I will be one of the great workers in your company.
    I’m a fast learner. So, when I worked at my previous job I was able to handle many kinds of machines very early. At that time I could fix machines quickly, and also I used creative ideas to modify the machines in order to improve their performance. As a result, the amount of the machine’s production was increased by more than 13%.
    Then I’m a keen person and therefore I get great achievement at my job. I have met a lot of customers and suggested lots of good products and applications. Whereupon total sales amount is increased by my effort about 112.05% in 1H.
    I am very excited about working in your company. So, when I worked at my previous job, I spent those three years learning a lot about work such as:
    - Creative ideas about all of my work.
    - Have a lot of experience about presentation on my business
    - How to make a good process on my business.
    - How to have a good brain for business.
    - How to handle SAP program.
    - How to enjoy my work.
    I have had my mind set on becoming a great worker and I joined a company in order to gain the necessary skills in order to successfully handle the kinds of work I want to do. My experience in a company thus far has allowed me to gain a new appreciation of the importance of my skills. My personal handling skills have also been impacted. My goal is to continue to advance as an worker for the purpose of becoming a valuable resource for all of my people. I would deeply appreciate the opportunity to interview for the available position.
    I hope for an interview with you to demonstrate my qualifications in more detail. Please contact me whenever it is convenient for you. Thank you for your time,


    SeongWoo Hong


  • 이름: 홍성우
    연락처: 1043325032
    이메일 : honestsam@naver.com
    주소: Incheon, Korea
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