• I can do hardworing!!!! 단기 알바나 하루 일자리 구합니다.
  • $ 10 ~ 30
  • Rating(1)
  • 근무지
  • 직종구분 serving, cleaning, dish outing
  • 근무가능일 march, 11
  • 희망급여 $ 10 ~ 30
  • 비자상태 워킹홀리데이


  • Dong Su University(Computer Engineering)


  • November ~ December
  • Dinosaur Buffet
  • Serving, dish outing
  • July 201 ~ October
  • Samsung Industry Company
  • Installer



컴퓨터 및 특기사항

  • OA 능력
  • 워드(한글,MS워드) - 중
  • 스프레드시트(엑셀) - 중
  • 프리젠테이션(파워포인트) - 중
  • 인터넷(정보검색) - 중
  • 컴퓨터 능력
  • 프로그래밍


  • My name is Kins. I am a 23-year-old Korean from Busan in the SaHa, southeast of Busan. I am a student of Computer Programing at the University of Dong Su. Yet I finish the first term of second grade until. The present time a student who stays out of school temporarily, I will study to return my university at July, 2013. Resently I have new habit about to take a picture. I did to take picture than to sightsee in
    the philip-pines. I have a habit about reading a book, listening to music and rose folding. This habit like
    reason, I like complex thinking to arrange. I want to work about Computer Programing after I graduate because I really like my major. I can enjoy this working because my good point is hardwork that I can do well it.
    위에 영어는 자기 소개글이고요. 지금은 단기알바나 하루 일자리 구합니다.


  • 이름: 최창호
    연락처: 0423359710
    이메일 : ckdgh4832@naver.com
    주소: Lidcombe NSW
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