• Law Tutor
  • 125/주
  • Rating(0)
  • 희망지역 Ultimo
  • 과외과목 기타과목
  • 가능요일 일,월,화,수,목,금,토
  • 가능시간 00:00 ~ 00:00
  • 희망과외비 125/ 주 (협의가능)
  • 비자상태 무관
  • 과외경력 1년~2년



  • I am providing the services to teach law students.

    If you need any help with any law subjects, please let me know.

    If you require a good help to get through the legal studies, I am willing to assist you as much as you require.

    I will certainly do my best.

    My negotiable hourly rate is $125.

    I am an admitted lawyer by the Supreme Court of New South Wales.

    I have graduted from Juris Docotor at the University of New South Wales.

    I also, have completed the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at The College of Law Limited.

    I have also, from the University of Technology Sydney, completed the Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production) helping me to understand more about the universe.

    I have also worked throughout my Juris Doctor, in variety of legal fields.

    Currently, I am doing my best to teach the law students with their studies.

    I am about to work privately as a Solicitor in New South Wales, for some period.

    This is my link to LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/yohanlee87

    Please feel free to contact me at any time, if you need any real help from your legal contemplation.

    I will do my best.

    Thank you very much :)


  • 이름: 이요한
    연락처: 401874387
    이메일 : yohanlee87@hotmail.com
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