• 호주선생님과 튜터하시려면
  • /일
  • Rating(0)
  • 희망지역 Haymarket
  • 과외과목 영어회화
  • 가능요일 월,화,수,목,금,토
  • 가능시간 00:00 ~ 00:00
  • 희망과외비 / 일 (협의가능)
  • 비자상태 시민권
  • 과외경력 3년~4년


  • Navitas (Celta)


  • G'day Language students,

    My name is Dana Orrock-Binnington.

    I'm a 30 year old Australian male English teacher.

    I have been teaching at a language college for 3 years and

    have a CELTA english teaching certificate from Navitas English college in Sydney.

    If you want to improve your English speaking with a native speaker please contact me :0)

    I can train you in:





    I'm available to teach private students

    Monday - Saturday from 12pm - 6pm.

    Please contact me to organise a time. My mobile number is 0434470777 or you can email me dbmtns@yahoo.com

    Hope to hear from you soon



  • 이름: Natalie
    연락처: 0434239625
    이메일 : odahyuno@nate.com
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