• Friendly English Tutor
  • 20/일
  • Rating(0)
  • 희망지역 Sydney city
  • 과외과목 영어회화
  • 가능요일 일,월,화,수,목,금,토
  • 가능시간 00:00 ~ 00:00
  • 희망과외비 20/ 일 (협의가능)
  • 비자상태 영주권
  • 과외경력 1년~2년


  • De Lasalle University(Bachelor of Science in Business Administration)


  • Hello! My name is Hazel, I come from Singapore and I am excited to share my love of the English Language with you! I have taught students of different age groups in Sunday school, private classes and in an English Language Camp.

    I want to help you learn and be comfortable with speaking and writing in English. I can also assist you in reviewing for exams, homeworks, and improve your grammar, pronunciation, and spelling.

    I look forward to meeting you and I will do my best to make learning English fun! See you! :)

    Mobile: 0424 490 406

    Kakao: HelloZhaye

    Email: zhayejingco@yahoo.com


  • 이름: 설원랑
    연락처: 452271024
    이메일 : wonrang2@gmail.com
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