• English tutoring
  • /일
  • Rating(0)
  • 희망지역 Parramatta
  • 과외과목 영어
  • 가능요일
  • 가능시간 00:00 ~ 00:00
  • 희망과외비 / 일 (협의가능)
  • 비자상태 시민권
  • 과외경력 1년~2년


  • University of Sydney(Bachelor of Economics)


  • Hi~~~

    My name is Young Kim and I have been studying in Australia for approximately 16 years hence my English abilities are on par to a native Australian. I came into Australia at the age of 5 and I am currently studying at University of Sydney. Over the past years I have been privately tutoring IELTS and other international students. For Korean students, do not worry as I can speak Korean fluently

    The purpose of this tutoring program is to help assist individuals to improve their English ability, mainly in the areas of speaking and writing. Since this is a private tutoring students may bring their own study materials and prepare questions that they are unsure of so they can ask me. Additionally I can aid in assignments and other workload that you may have difficulty with.

    You can call me anytime via phone: 0416 232 879.

    Arrangement of time and location is flexible and can be negotiated with me.

    Thank you.

    안뎡하새요, 시드디대 경재학 3학년 학생입니다.

    저는지난 1-2년동안 영어과외를 햇습니다. 현재 글쓰기 하고 스피킹 가르키고 잇습니다. 영어실력은 호주애서 태어나서 문재가업습니다.

    도움이 필요하시면 전화주세요 - 0416232879


  • 이름: young
    연락처: 0416232879
    이메일 : koross_@hotmail.com
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