• IELTS One to One tutoring
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  • 희망지역 Sydney
  • 과외과목 IELTS
  • 가능요일 월,화,수,목,금,토
  • 가능시간 18:00 ~ 00:00
  • 희망과외비 / 일 (협의가능)
  • 비자상태 영주권
  • 과외경력 1년~2년


  • Macquarie University(Bachelor of Education)


  • By choosing an IELTS One to One tutoring course with me you will:

    ?develop an understanding of the test format

    ?develop effective strategies for the listening and reading tests

    ?learn how to improve your speaking

    ?learn how to construct effective writing tasks

    ?get intensive feedback from experienced IELTS teacher.

    I will read your essays and give immediate feedback on ideas, structure, vocabulary and grammar as I am one of IELTS examiners in UTS.


  • 이름: Jackie
    이메일 : katy@harkley.com.au
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